From "Official changes" To "The Living Dead" (Newspaper headlines in the provinces of the early XX century)
"Terrible losses! Thousands killed! The emperor has abdicated! " - who doesn't remember shouting these headlines barefoot boys - newspaper sellers from Soviet films about the revolution? But this is not about them, but about what exactly they shouted, trying to earn a dime on the cobblestones of the beginning of the last century. What were these headlines like? What caught the eye of our ancestors when they opened the pages of local newspapers over morning tea in a provincial town 100 years ago? Until 1899, for example, in the Yaroslavl province there were only two local newspapers published by the ecclesiastical and secular authorities, "Yaroslavl Provincial Vedomosti"and" Yaroslavl Diocesan Vedomosti". By the beginning of the XX century, there were up to a dozen of them in different periods, however, except for the newspaper " Northern Territory "and" Voice", all the others were published only sporadically. The newspaper headlines of the early nineteen-hundredths were all very much the same. For example, in the so-called "official" part of the Yaroslavl Provincial Gazette (all newspapers published by the provincial government were divided into two parts - official and unofficial), the titles did not change during the period from 1900 to 1917. From the room page 85 The same thing was repeated in the room: "Orders of the Government", "Official changes", "Announcements and notices" with subsections "On the sale of estates", "On military service", "On a dead body", "On a call to auction", etc. The content of "announcements and orders" was updated every time, but the title was not. There was more variety in the unofficial part, but even here the headlines in the first year of the twentieth century do not shine with variety. The main method of heading is rubrication, and the names of the categories move from one newspaper to another and change quite rarely. Texts that differ in content under the same heading most often do not have separate headings and are separated onl ... Read more

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From "Official changes" To "The Living Dead" (Newspaper headlines in the provinces of the early XX century)

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