G. A. BALASHOVA Candidate of Philological Sciences Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences Keywords: African Studies, Days of Africa in Sweden, Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences On October 20-24, 2014, in Falun, Sweden (near Stockholm), the Center for African Studies hosted the "Africa Days" that have been celebrated here for the past ten years. The Center for African Studies, formerly under the patronage of the History Department of Dalarna University, was recognized in January 2014 as a separate, autonomous division with the right to defend master's theses - the only center of its kind in Sweden. Admission of future master's students takes place on the basis of higher education in their country. Now it has become paid for citizens of the European Union and the United States. The number of students varies from year to year - from 30 to 45. The staff of teachers is about 20 people. The Falun Center cooperates with the African Institute (Uppsala, Sweden), and its partners are the universities of Bologna (Italy) and Oulu (Finland). The organizer of the forum held during the "Days of Africa" with the participation of foreign Africanists was Prof. Lare Berge, Director of the Center and Head of the Department. master's degree program. On his initiative, scientists from Africa (Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda), as well as from Finland, Italy, Canada and Russia were invited. The total number of participants was more than 80 people. Among the topics discussed were gender trends in multilingual Africa, famous women in the history of Ethiopia, women writers as a phenomenon in the development of African literature (Ethiopia and Nigeria), the rights of persons with disabilities in Africa, etc. I especially remember the speech of Prof. Tekesta Negash (Ethiopia) on outstanding women in the history of Ethiopia. The list is headed by the Queen of Sheba, who ruled in Ethiopia in the pre-Christian period*. Another is Taitu Bytul ... Read more

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