Published for the first time under the autograph of S. I. Ozhegov (Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. F. 1516. Op. 1. Ed. hr. N 87 [8 ll.]). The note is written in simple pencil on separate sheets of small format. The autograph is dated by S. I. Ozhegov on December 14, 1957. The manuscript does not have an author's title. It appeared during the processing of the fund in the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Some passages that are not directly related to the problem, incomplete entries, and the author's numbering are not transmitted and are indicated by hashes in angle brackets.
These draft notes were prepared by the author for a presentation on the problem of dictionary homonymy, which was in the center of attention in the 1940s and 1950s and repeatedly caused discussion articles and discussions (see, for example, the article by V. I. Abaev "On the submission of homonyms in the dictionary" / / Voprosy Yazykoznaniya. 1957. N 3 and further discussion, the materials of which are published in the book: Lexicographic collection. Issue IV. Moscow, 1960).
In the introductory part, S. I. Ozhegov mentions the report of L. L. Kutina and the name of V. V. Vinogradov, who were probably present during the discussion of the"Dictionary of the Russian Language". And earlier, in 1940, V. V. Vinogradov published a program article (see: "The Russian language at School" No. 1) - "The problem of grammatical homonymy in modern Russian", where he pointed out the shortcomings of explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, which inconsistently defined the boundaries of lexical homonymy. It is obvious that this issue was again relevant after a while.
All these materials should not be considered as formulated and scientifically based views of S. I. Ozhegov. But the propositions put forward by him, especially in the field of historical semantics, consideration of the issue from different positions (broad and narrow points of view) make us listen to the opinion and indi ...
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