Once these designations were synonymous with the terms Slavophile and Westerner, but in Russian social and cultural life they have taken a special place, have overgrown with independent associations and ideas, they have developed their own language life. V. V. Vinogradov and Yu. S. Sorokin wrote about the formation of the figurative meaning of the term soil in the XIX century, i.e. in the early stage of development of this word. However, without knowledge of the history of both terms in the XX century, it is impossible to imagine their full semantic, word-forming and pragmatic path in the language. Until the 1940s, the word soil was used in Russian mainly in the" technical " meaning: geological, geographical, and industrial. Although already in the XVIII and especially in the first third of the XIX century, comparisons of soil with social and spiritual phenomena appeared (for example, in Belinsky and Pisarev), but the figurative meaning we are interested in develops later. Since the 1940s, the French terrain "soil" has been calculated in Russian, but - as often happens in the language-the word calculation was carried out in the following phrases: later un terrain "to feel the soil", sender un terrain "to probe the soil", trouver un terrain "to find page 111 soil", pe pas perdre un terrain " do not lose the soil (under your feet)", sur Ie terrain "on the soil of something". So in the word soil, the meaning of "support, foundation, foundation; something on which you can establish yourself" was singled out. Already in the 50-60s of the XIX century, first in Russian journalism, and then in literature, such expressions appear: the soil of common sense (letter from V. P. Botkin to Fet), historical soil (Blagosvetlov. Works), economic soil (aka), real soil of the social movement (Shchelgunov. Misunderstandings of 1848), the soil of life (Chernyshevsky. Essays on Gogol's period of Russian literature), Russian soil (V. P. Botkin), prepare the ground (Danilevsky. The ninth sh ... Read more

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