Yu. V. CHUDODEEV Candidate of Historical Sciences Keywords: Russia, China, partnership, foreign trade turnover, globalization By the end of the 20th century, globalization, along with the information technology revolution, had become a major factor in global development. Today, the processes of globalization are characterized by high rates of knowledge accumulation, i.e., the development of science, technology, industrial and managerial technologies, new mechanisms for generating profit through the use of knowledge ownership, and finally, the strengthening of transnational organizations (TNCs) participating in global competition. Russia and China entered the era of globalization, being in different political and economic situations and facing different problems. At the same time, it was and remains common: the mutual desire of both countries to modernize (albeit from different economic levels) and dynamism of development by forcing their own breakthroughs in scientific and technological progress and borrowing the achievements of economically developed countries that have gone ahead. Thus, we are talking about preserving the national identity, the independence of the state and society from external pressure, and the identity of civilizational and cultural principles in the period of globalization. DIFFERENT FATES For Russia, this period was marked, as is well known, by a difficult and painful transition to the market, capitalist management, associated with the collapse of the USSR, a serious weakening of the state and the vertical of power. The country continues a complex process of reforms both in politics and in the economy. Russia maintains a leading position in the world in the extraction of hydrocarbons and some other types of minerals. It retains the status of an emerging fast-growing State with a fairly high human development index, a high level of energy consumption, and a relatively high level of income per capita. According to the International Monetary Fun ... Read more

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