Alekseev A. K. Politicheskaya istoriya Tukai-Timuridov [Political history of the Tukai-Timurids]. Based on the materials of Persian. ist. Works of "Bahr al-asrar": St. Petersburg Publishing House. un-ta. 228 p.
Andreev A. I. Tibet in the Politics of Tsarist, Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia. 464 p.
Antonovskaya T. V. India through the eyes of zyryanka. 450 s.
Akhmedova L. S. Politics of England in the Persian Gulf zone in the last third of the XIX-early XX century (1870-1914). 157 p.
Brozalina E. K., Kryuchkova E. R., Sladkov A. L. Bengali language. Textbook. Part 2: The initial course. 156 p.
Vasilyeva E. Y. Higher education in Turkey. 73 p. (Education and pedagogy at the Polytechnic University. un-te. Issue 1).
Vasubandhu: An Encyclopedia. Buddhist canon, philosophy (Abhiddharmakosha) / Trans., comp., comment. Ostrovskoy E. P., Rudogo V. I. 522 p.
Vashenko E. D. "The Khazar problem" in Russian historiography of the XVIII-XX centuries. 193 p.
Byzantine historians on the fall of Constantinople in 1453: on the 550th anniversary of the great tragedy / Ed. Lyubarskogo Ya. N., Sobol T. I.: Alethea. 190 p. (Visant. b-ka. Sources).
Viimar P. Krestovye pokhody [The Crusades]. Myth and Reality of the Holy War. Zhuravlev D. A.: Evraziya [Eurasia], 383 p. (East b-ka).
India's foreign policy. Anthology / Comp. Zeleneva I. V. et al.; Editorial Board. Akimov Yu. G. et al. 222 p.
Goreglyad V. N. Classical culture of Japan. Essays by Dukhovny. Life: St. Petersburg. oriental studies. 353 p. (Orientalia).
Gorelov N. S. The Kingdom of heaven. Legends of the Crusaders of the XII-XIV centuries: ABC classics. 445 pages. (ABC of the Middle Ages).
Demidova G. M. Syntax of the Biblical-Jewish language: Birch bark. 263 p.
Ermakova T. V., Ostrovskaya E. P. Classical Buddhist practices. The path of Blagorod. personalities: ABC-classics; St. Petersburg. oriental studies. 303 p. (World of the East. India).
Zegers M. Terms of Buddhism. Based on the" Treasury of Knowledge " by Jamgen Kongtrul Lodre ...
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