The author's position in the work is expressed in an artistic word. But the word can also be the object of the author's consideration, act as a" stranger", in relation to which the author finds himself in the position of a listener. As you know, narration focused on reproducing a" foreign " word is conducted on behalf of a character or narrator. But such forms of text organization are not uncommon, when the reader is involved in such a speech atmosphere that he himself becomes an eyewitness of what is happening. In this case, the language element that the writer wants to immerse the reader in is perceived as if directly, without intermediaries.
M. A. Bulgakov in his feuilleton "Moscow Krasnokamennaya" (1922) depicts the city and its speech environment. From the very first sentence, the reader will have to tune in to the "auditory" perception of the text:
"Anushka buzzes, calls, cracks, swings" (Bulgakov M. A. Stories. Stories. Feuilletons. M., 1988. p. 39; further - only p.). "Annushka" is a tram, verbs serve the purpose of its characterization. There are no long descriptions, lapidary style, the overall picture is recreated using the world of sounds accompanying a particular scene. Phonetic accentuation affects the course of semantic perception of the message.
"Motorcycles. Auto. Whistling, cawing, like machine guns being fired "(40). The sharpness of the sound is expressed by a chain of verbs: buzzing, ringing, crackling, whistling, cawing.
Verbs that are concentrated within a single sentence perform an expressive function in addition to the descriptive one. Indicate the continuity of the action and its importance. Thanks to this, the sound design becomes the very bridge through which the reader passes into a new quality of listener for him.
"Red special. Serves not in Khmu, not in Tsus. (...) Every day he goes to the giant Empeo store on Tverskaya Street (in legendary times it was called Eliseev) and pokes his finger at the glass behind which the treasures l ...
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