A. P. Chekhov's letters from Nice
A. P. Chekhov's letters are striking in the variety of topics he discusses, and they vividly reflect the writer's personality and moral character. This is evidenced by the letters for the short period from October 1897 to March 1898, when, on the urgent recommendation of doctors, he chose Nice as his place of residence, where he stayed in a Russian boarding school. Arriving in Nice, Chekhov always mentions the weather in almost every letter: "It's warm here (...) the sea is gentle, touching"; " The weather continues to be wonderful. The sky is absolutely clear, the air is quiet"; "Sitting on the embankment, basking and looking at the sea is such a pleasure". However, the letter of A. I. Suvorina admits:: "The nature here does not touch me, it is alien to me, but I passionately love warmth, I love culture... And culture is coming out of every shop window, out of every basket; every dog smells of civilization." At the same time, Chekhov complains to V. M. Sobolevsky that the warm climate hinders him: "Writing in good weather, when you want to get out of the room, it is difficult, very difficult." A. S. Suvorin writes that he does not work well in a foreign land: "You feel uncomfortable, as if you are suspended by one leg"; "working on a computer is very difficult." someone else's side is uncomfortable at someone else's table, " he writes to his sister. "Writing outside of your home is sheer hard labor, just like sewing on someone else's sewing machine," he explains further. But, of course, not one weather and not one unaccustomed to a strange place prevented the writer from working. Chekhov describes himself as a " lazy Ukrainian." And this "laziness" is explained by the incessant process in the lungs, which he tries not to notice, but which is mentioned in a letter to the artist A. A. Khotyaintseva.: "On the third day, the hemoptysis stopped, which lasted for three weeks-a joke to say! I bled a little, but for a long time." In one of his letters to V. P. Sobolevsky, ... Read more

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