A Commentary on the Man of Fire
        Among the physiologists, already, One hundred and fifty years, There are battles over the points of bifurcation of the “transformation” of the monkey into a modern man... Or, Or rather, the first man-like tribes in the tribes that conquered Fire and mind-searching. Up to the time of the emergence of a contemporary of a person with abstract thinking. We read Boris Porshnev carefully. The benefit of his apparatus of references to hundreds of works of predecessors is impressive. We thought, What is the point of adding your 15 kopecks to this discourse. Let us be persistent and eloquent, It's like a primitive man whispered something in our ear... For lack of sources, we use Intuition! The first. Man began from the moment of bringing the first fire into the cave or under the awning. Second. There were thousands of human tribes. One wave died and , Involuntarily, He gave way to all the others.. It's, quite, Stochastic Movement. Or abrupt and spontaneous. Third. We’ve taken the place of the non-andartists. Perhaps by accident. There may have been other passionary tribes in other periods. It's , Bye.., Unknown... Next, all just fire made the digestive tract much less. The brain of a few skilled individuals was able to further develop. And they dominated... It took half a million years. Roughly... Tribes were forced to submit to authority and work as a team. Sorry for the comparison, It was like fighting in a football league... There is a place for humane treatment of the maimed and the aged in the tribes-teams. The prize for this was obtained in the form of additional education of young people and the transfer of the baton of the first Knowledge and Skills. All other advances in half a million years have happened to tribes during the transition to other habitats and climatic zones. Those who did not want to learn died in droves, Suspended! We are the heirs of fortunate tribes. Those, I learned to think beyond the horizons of vulgar events.. Those, They were ready t ... Read more

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