"Admonitory communication" in the media
One of the breakout sessions of the international conference "Journalism and Culture of Russian Speech at the Turn of the Millennium", held by the Department of Russian Language Stylistics of the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University in April 2002, was devoted to the role of advertising in modern mass media. The work of the section "Advertising in mass media" was led by the President of the Russian Association of Advertising Agencies (RARA) V. A. Evstafyev. The opening speech, in which he called on the gathered linguists and advertising practitioners to discuss the urgent problems of modern advertising in a comprehensive and constructive way, became a tuning fork for subsequent speeches. In their messages, the audience subjected advertising texts to a thorough linguistic analysis. A spirit of objectivity prevailed at the meeting. Advertising text was considered not only as a provider of numerous language errors, but also as a source of expressive resources of Russian speech. Constructive analysis, rather than destructive criticism, is a tool in the study of "persuasive communication," as advertising is increasingly called. "Advertising texts are included in the language fund, become recognizable, are quoted, and therefore have a very active influence on the formation of the language norm. Therefore, our task is to find out what are the mechanisms of influence of the advertising language on the language norm and how it is possible to regulate this process, " said O. A. Ksenzenko, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the International Institute of Advertising. page 59 But the language norm in advertising is very often violated. And here you need to take into account the motives for such a violation. After all, it is known that such violations often become the basis of a" language game " in order to increase the effectiveness of an advertising message. However, we should not forget that sometimes deviations from the norm are explained by ... Read more

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"Admonitory communication" in the media

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