When considering phonetic variants among toponyms and microtoponyms, it is necessary to pay special attention to those varieties whose appearance is due to the dynamic nature of the general dialect system. So, in one of the villages of the Lipetsk region, the following story was recorded about the origin of the variant microtoponym Komarevka/Komarovka (street name): "at the ent end, on Komarevka, and who calls Komarovka, but this is rare, not out of habit for us... Well, there was always a lot of mosquitoes there - well, they called it Komarevka. And we also had redheads on Komarevka." This is, of course, a folk etymology. Given the formant of belonging-hvac(a), the name of this village end goes back to the anthroponymic basis of Komar. This onomastic context contains words in which a soft p [p'] is pronounced in place of a hard p [p] and, conversely, in place of [p'] - [p]. It is noteworthy that these two phonetic phenomena coexist in the same dialect. During the expeditions, several similar examples were recorded: Gooseberry Hill/Krizhok. The name is derived from the geographical term kryzh/krizh with the semantics "small hill": in E. M. Murzaev - " high place with steep descent "(Murzaev E. M. Dictionary of folk geographical terms, Moscow, 1984). Undoubtedly, this dialect feature should be described only at the level of sounds, without affecting the phonemic system, which is not subject to any qualitative and quantitative changes. The distinction between [p] and [p'] for Russian dialects is generally one of the most stable (Avanesov R. I. Essays on Russian Dialectology, Moscow, 1949, Part 1). For Lipetsk dialects, we can only talk about the redistribution of the functional load between the sounds [p] and [p'], which in the situation of pronunciation of a soft sound instead of hard and hard-instead of soft remains invariably balanced. According to the established tradition, the pronunciation of [p] instead of [p'] and vice versa, due to the irregularity of the sig ... Read more

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