For a long time, there was an opinion among Russian Turkologists and Turkish literary critics that the study of mass literature in Turkey is not serious and unworthy of scientific thought. The reasons for this approach were rooted in the state of the country's literary field, which throughout the twentieth century was defined by "high", socially oriented realistic art, which left no room for "low ", mass literature to leave the artistic periphery. However, in the 1990s, the picture of literary life in Turkey changed dramatically. Social realism was overthrown from its pedestal, giving way to an avalanche of mass book production and postmodernism, in which the detective genre occupies one of the central places. The article examines the stages of formation and development of the Turkish detective genre against the background of complex processes of interaction of various subfields in the country's literature. Keywords: popular literature, Turkish detective story, Turkish mass literature, Turkish postmodernism, "marginal" literary genre, genre form. The problem of the emergence and functioning of the detective genre in Turkish literature is connected with the development of mass literature in it. The appearance of mass book production in Turkey at the end of the XIX century. It was the result of the interaction of a whole complex of literary (more broadly, cultural) phenomena that are poorly studied in both domestic and foreign Turkological literary studies. You can only page 71It is safe to say that Turkish mass literature originated, on the one hand, from the national "grassroots" literature (popular literature) and fiction, and on the other - from translations-adaptations of Western, mainly French mass book products. In this complex, popular print literature had a special place. For centuries in the Ottoman culture, popular print works were the buffer through which contacts were made between the "elite", written (divan poetry/divan edebiyati) and" grassroots", oral ... Read more

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