In 2009 The Publishing house of Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University has published D. V. Kuznetsov 's monograph "Problems of the Middle East and Public Opinion", in 2 parts. Part I - The Arab-Israeli conflict (366 p.), part II - The Iraqi crisis (440 p.). The two-volume monograph analyzes two complex and still unresolved conflicts unfolding in the Middle East, the solution of which largely depends not only on regional players, but also on the efforts of the entire international community. The author chose an original and interesting, from a scientific point of view, approach to the study of the stated topic. The problems of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Iraq crisis analyzed through the prism of public opinion help to better understand the relationship between political decisions and public sentiment, which directly or indirectly determine the foreign and domestic policy objectives of both the direct participants in the conflict and the "sponsors" of the Middle East peace process. The monograph presents a broad picture of public opinion in the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, the USA, Canada, Europe and Russia and reveals the limits of its influence on the foreign policy of specific countries that are somehow connected with the conflict. I would especially like to mention the exhaustive chronological framework of both parts of the monograph. Thus, the author analyzes the dynamics of the Arab-Israeli conflict from its origins in 1948, and D. V. Kuznetsov quite reasonably examines the attitude of the world community to the Iraq crisis starting from the Kuwait crisis of 1990-1991. The author's merit is that he managed to include the most recent survey data in the monograph, that is, to bring the research to the final stage. from now on. Thus, readers are given a unique opportunity to follow the dynamics of public opinion in relation to the key phases of the Arab-Israeli confrontation and the Iraqi crisis in full and form a fairly clear picture. Dmit ... Read more

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