Roccucci A. Stalin and the Patriarch: The Orthodox Church and Soviet Power, 1917-1958
Translated from Italian by O. R. Shchelokova, Moscow: Politicheskaya entsiklopediya, 2016, 582 p. (Series: Istoriya stalinizma). In the series "The History of Stalinism", the ROSSPEN publishing house has published a translation of the book by the Italian historian, professor of modern history at the University of Rome III, specialist in Russian history, Adriano Roccucci (the book was published in Italian in 2011). It is worth noting the efforts of the publishing house, which seeks to acquaint the reader with both new Russian studies of the religious policy of the Soviet state as well as with translations of works by foreign scientists. For example, the History of Stalinism series includes several books by M. I. Odintsovo, a joint study by T. V. Volokitina, G. P. Murashko, and A. F. Noskova, a book by the American researcher S. M. Miner16, and now a book by A. Roccucci. The publication of the book by an Italian historian is certainly an important event for the Russian reader. Roccucci has a rare author's optics-both a third-party and an" included " observer. Of course, the main recipient of this work is the Italian reader. So the author had to 16. Odintsovo M. I. Russian Orthodox Church on the eve and in the era of Stalinist socialism. 1917-1953 Moscow, 2014; Odintsovo M. I., Kochetova A. S. Confessional policy in the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 Moscow, 2014; Odintsovo M. I. Patriarch of Victory. The Life and Church service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy (Simansky). Moscow, 2015; Volokitina T. V., Murashko G. P., Noskova A. F. Moscow and Eastern Europe. Vlast ' i tserkva v period obshchestvennykh transformatsiy 40-50-kh godov XX veka: Ocherki istorii [Power and Church in the Period of Social Transformations of the 40-50s of the XX century: Essays on History]. Religion, Nationalism and Allied Politics / translated from English by V. Artemov, Moscow, 2010. page 347it is necessary to explain to him the vicissitudes of Russia ... Read more

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Roccucci A. Stalin and the Patriarch: The Orthodox Church and Soviet Power, 1917-1958

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