MAN AND CITY IN THE LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Ed. by S. N. Uturgauri, Moscow: IV RAS, 2005, 180 p. (1)
WHO ARE WE AND WHAT IS OUR WANDERING? EAST TO WEST. Ed. by S. N. Uturgauri, Moscow: IV RAS, 2007, 180 p. (2)
To date, there are many studies, the topics of which are diverse problems and issues related to the relationship between "Western" and "Eastern" consciousnesses and worldview positions. The number of aspects considered related to the range of these topics is also growing. The forms of research are also diverse: format, style, focus, problems, etc. All this suggests that the further we move in the direction of historical and cultural development and the more urgent the need to understand this path becomes, the more serious is the awareness that we cannot do without a proper analysis of the relationships, mutual influences, or, on the contrary, the sharpest contradictions between these principles.
Culture and traditions are the basis of consciousness, thinking, lifestyle, everyday behavior and views of the surrounding reality and the world. And this is not eradicated by anything: neither the latest technologies and the benefits that technology promises, nor the seemingly short-sighted politicians ease of restructuring thinking with the help of mechanisms for influencing mass consciousness, nor economic victories, nor, finally, recent trends-the penetration of globalization impulses into world processes. Globalization of everything: the economy and politics, culture and art, the development of society and the lives of individuals.
An extremely serious and necessary contribution to the research process of these issues today can be considered peer-reviewed works of author teams of scientists from the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A general trend that runs through the materials of the collections is the desire of researchers to demonstrate the diverse and multi-layered problems associated with the relationship of Eastern conscious ...
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