We have struggled with religion in various ways-from the most violent to quite "harmless" - for example, with the help of... spelling issues. In the book of a famous art critic about Durer, published in the 30s, Christ was consistently printed-with a small letter. This is most likely an isolated curiosity, but writing the word god with a lowercase letter was the norm, deviations from which were not allowed.
Times have changed, and now you can print:
...And God's voice called to me... (Pushkin)
...And in the sky I see God.. (Lermontov)
...And in the Gospel of John
It is said that the word is God. (Gumilyov)
However, the lifting of the old ban should not lead to a new ban on writing god - with a lowercase letter. But many people understand it this way, and instead of the old absurdities, new ones have appeared en masse.
The word god is included in many common everyday expressions, which literally intersperse colloquial speech. Combinations for God's sake, for God's sake, thank God, God forbid, God forbid, God forbid, God is with you, God knows, fear God, God knows what, God himself has ordered, how God will put it on your soul, etc. (the list is far from complete) are constantly used those who do not even think about the Lord God. From the lips of the most notorious "godless" now and then the interjections Lord, by God, God, my God break down.
But our press, freed from "ideological dictates", is full of cases when the word god begins with a capital letter in such combinations, although the context clearly shows that we are not talking about God.
Here are examples from Izvestia with the combination God himself ordered,
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making, in my opinion, a comic impression: "God Himself ordered to organize various beauty contests in such a beautiful country "(1995, November 15). Are beauty contests really "God's command"?
And the following two examples show that God is not indifferent to the theater and actively intervenes in the distribution of roles and theater premises: ...
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