Many publications are devoted to the problems of globalization and TNCs - from solid monographs and reports of international organizations to articles with catchy headlines in glossy magazines. Scientific works on this topic are quite thoroughly analyzed in the national scientific and educational literature [Volodin and Shirokov, 2002; International..., 2007]. Some scientists adhere to the concepts of hyperglobalism, according to which globalization is an indisputable good for all: borders between countries are blurred and each country must implement maximum economic liberalization in order to fully integrate into this process. Others critically assess the role of globalization and TNCs both from the point of view of developed and developing countries, many of which have long been not actors, but objects of globalization, and from the point of view of various social forces and trends in economic thought. For example, the American economist, Nobel Prize winner J. R. R. Tolkien. Stiglitz (former adviser to the World Bank, adviser to the US President Boris Johnson). Clinton), criticizing globalization and the activities of international financial organizations "from the inside", from the standpoint of neo-Keynesianism, speaks of the need to increase the role of state regulation to mitigate its negative consequences.
This review examines the works of this critical area, which show changes in globalization at the beginning of the new century, as well as the latest articles and reports of international economic organizations on the prospects of globalization and foreign direct investment - the most important component of the economic processes underlying globalization in the context of the global economic crisis.
In this regard, the collection "What kind of globalization?"is interesting. with the texts of reports at an international conference held in Paris in November 2001 under the auspices of the World Academy of Cultures , an international non-governmental organizatio ...
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