From the legacy of F. A. Stepun
Fyodor Augustovich Stepun (1884-1965), a prominent philosopher, novelist, critic, theater critic, and memoirist, was among those figures of Russian science and culture who turned out to be objectionable and "unnecessary" to the Soviet government and was expelled from the country in 1922. For almost half a century he was destined to live in a foreign land, in Germany, to write a lot and about a lot of things. Only now the rich legacy of the thinker begins to return to his homeland, gradually reprinted in Russia, although it is too early to talk about a real, worthy "return", a more or less solid reproduction of the works of F. A. Stepun. In exile, he wrote an original philosophical novel in letters, Nikolai Pereslegin (1923-1925). From his pen came a series of essays " Thoughts on Russia "(1923-1928), many literary and critical articles, later combined in the collection "Meetings" (1962). the books "Basic problems of Theater" and "Life and Creativity" (1923), memoirs "Past and unfulfilled" (1956), a number of works in foreign languages. The ideas he preached, first of all, the ideas of "Christian socialism", which were especially deeply developed in the Novy Grad magazine (edited by F. A. Stepun, I. I. Fondaminsky and G. P. Fedotov), were popular in the circles of the ecclesiastical part of the emigration. Other refugees with the name L. Zander, Y. Ivask, K. Pomerantsev, D. Chizhevsky spoke respectfully about the articles and books of F. A. Stepun... The Germans also appreciated the thinker: in particular, in February 1964, the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts held a solemn meeting dedicated to the anniversary of F. A. Stepun. In other words ,the" philosopher-artist " (as one of his contemporaries described F. A. Stepun) won a well-deserved European (if not world) fame during his lifetime, not loud, but stable. F. A. Stepun is less well-known as a Pushkinist, but his essays about the poet allow us to rank the thinker among the glorious cohort of researchers of the spiri ... Read more

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From the legacy of F. A. Stepun

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