The study of written monuments of the XVI-XVII centuries gives reason to believe that the geographical term ruchey has become quite widespread on the territory of the Oka-Don Plain, for example, in Kashirsky uyezd the word ruchey is found as a synonym for the river: "For Stepan, yes for Ondrey, yes for Grishey for the Fyodorov fields Zvyagitsa Zherebey ash. Mikhailova on Konishchevsky creek; arable land is good. Lands of 60 chetya" (Scribal books of the Moscow state. Ed. Kalacheva N. V. St. Petersburg, 1852-1895. Here and further italics in quotations are ours). In Kolomenskoye Uyezd, the stream has a similar meaning.: "Kust., that was der., Kurtsova, on the stream on the Flask: arable land ser. Land lane 30 chetya, and lane t bush grew"; " Villages, that was der., Kochetykova, on the stream on Chorny mud: arable land lane (and) forest grew in the stake and in the pole 35 even numbers in the field"; " Der. Pronyaeva, on a stream', arable land hood. Land 7 chetya with poluosm, yes lane 13 chetya without poluosm" (Ibid.). Obviously, the stream is used in the same meaning in other monuments: Krasny Brook, Korotkiy Brook, Dolgiy Kolodets Brook, Kolodez Brook in the Fast Pine basin, Dorobin Kolodets brook in the upper reaches of the Beautiful Mecha River, Dorobin Kolodez brook in the basin of Fast Pine, Gornaya stream in the basin of the Ugra River.
The stream has a different meaning on the Ryazan land, in the basin of the Oka River: "... and from the elm the old-timers led up the river along the Koveri and led to the source of the kruchai, and that stream flows from the Savina swamp, the hand fell into the same river in the Carpet "(Monuments of Russian writing. Ryazan Region). Here the term ruchey is used with the contextual synonym istochin and in a special phonetic design: not a stream , but a stream. The ruchai form is also found in other monuments.
I. I. Sreznevsky gave a number of examples with the word ruchay: ruchay Lybed in Kiev, ruchay Tuneg in the Suzdal regi ...
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