This article deals with a number of issues related to the display of the chronological stratification of vocabulary by Russian explanatory dictionaries using the system of corresponding litters.
We have studied "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" under the editorship of D. N. Ushakov (TSU), "Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language" of the USSR Academy of Sciences (BAS), "Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. I. Ozhegov (SB), "Dictionary of the Russian Language" of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the editorship of A. P. Evgenieva (MAC), "Big explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" edited by S. A. Kuznetsov (BTSR), "Small explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" by V. V. Lopatin and L. E. Lopatina (SL).
These dictionaries reflect the Russian lexicographic practice from 1935 to 1998. We believe that such a broad comparison will allow us to present the problem that interests us quite objectively.
First of all, we note that not all of the listed dictionaries solve the issue of the stylistic status of litters with time semantics in the same way. For example, D. N. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language and S. I. Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language do not refer to these marks as stylistic, while BAS, MAC, and BTSR, on the contrary, call them means of stylistic (MAC) or functional-stylistic (BTSR) characterization of words.
In addition, different dictionaries define (name) different groups of litters that they use to characterize vocabulary from a "chronological" point of view. In the CU and CO, they (litters) are called "establishing a historical perspective" (CU), "indicating a historical perspective" (CO), i.e. the same. BAS does not distinguish such litters into a separate group, but points out the historical limitation of part of the vocabulary: "If the word does not have a general literary use or if it is limited historically, then it is accompanied by litters: in common parlance, regional, churc ...
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