On November 26-29, 2001, the second conference "Ancient Egypt and Christianity" was held in Moscow, organized by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian State University for the Humanities, the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, and the Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute with the financial support of the Federal Target Program "Integration".
The conference was an important event in the scientific life of Moscow and attracted the interest of scientists-historians, art historians, philologists and religious scholars-not only in Russia, but also in foreign countries (Germany, France). For the second time, the conference brings together representatives of academic, university and theological sciences, academicians, professors, postgraduates and students, as well as employees of the largest museums in Moscow and St. Petersburg, working on the problems of studying the origins of Christianity and the cultural heritage of Egypt as one of the main centers of the formation of Christian dogma and morality. The last decade has been marked by an increasing interest in the topic of early Christianity, but many aspects of theological teachings and motifs rooted in the thousand-year history of the Middle East, North-East Africa and, first of all, Egypt, which were preserved in a foreign cultural environment and were perceived and reworked by early Christian authors, have not yet received worthy coverage in Russian science. The conference "Ancient Egypt and Christianity" was a serious step towards filling this gap. The reports presented at the conference covered a very wide range of issues, and the analyzed materials related to a wide geographical region - the Middle East and North-East Africa-were considered over a long chronological period.
The conference was attended by V. M. Alpatov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Religious Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Corresponding Member of the Scientific Coun ...
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