In the field of modern education (general secondary, specialized secondary and higher education, especially philology), rhetoric and teaching humanities and other disciplines on a communicative (i.e., in fact, rhetorical) basis are beginning to play an increasingly prominent role. Moreover, elokucia - a section of rhetoric that "considers the means and techniques of verbal expression of a plan" - is particularly important (Volokov A. A. Course of Russian Rhetoric, Moscow, 2001, p. 280).
The concept of a stylistic figure (figure of speech) is one of the central concepts of elokution. Meanwhile, rhetorical and, more broadly, philological literature does not have a single point of view on the nature and classification of stylistic figures. All the variety of their definitions can be reduced to a broad and narrow understanding of the phenomenon under consideration. With a broad view of the nature of stylistic figures, they include any language means of creating and enhancing the expressiveness of speech. In this case, the boundaries between such concepts as figure, trope, reception (rhetorical, stylistic, artistic, literary, etc.) are erased and become rather vague (See, for example: Khazagerov T. G., Shirina L. S. General rhetoric: A course of lectures and a Dictionary of Rhetorical figures. Rostov-on-Don, 1994 and the second edition of this book under the title "General Rhetoric: A course of lectures; Dictionary of rhetorical techniques". Rostov-on-Don, 1999).
In a narrow sense, stylistic figures are called "syntagmatically formed means of expressiveness" (Skrebnev Yu. M. Figures of speech / / Russian language. Encyclopedia, Moscow, 1997, p. 591). Such
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the understanding of a stylistic figure becomes more definite if it is combined with the point of view that the stylistic figure is the result of a conscious and motivated violation of either (a) a language norm, or (b) its neutral variant, or (c) a speech norm that has a probabilistic and statistical nature by ...
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