Libmonster ID: U.S.-390


S. S. KHROMOV . Historical Experience of the USSR's Formation and Development, and Problems of Its Study.

The author deals with the formation and development of the USSR as a multinational state and experience gained in this process; emphasises Lenin's role in the elaboration and implementation of the CPSU's nationalities policy, primarily, in substantiating, in principle, the nature and forms of the union of Soviet republics. The character of problems stemming from an analysis of the national relations at the present stage of the development of Soviet society are discussed as also are general results of the scientific investigation of the nationalities question in Soviet historiography. The article offers some new research themes in the history of the national-state construction in. this country.

A. V. SMIRNOV. Soviet Industry in the Second Half of the 1960s.

The article analyses Soviet industrial development in the second half of the 1960s, the period being chosen due to its association with the intensification of Soviet industrial production initiated by the 23rd CPSU Congress. The author discusses measures taken by the Communist Party and the Soviet State to improve industrial production, the experience of the period being instructive both on the scientific and practical planes when the tasks of Soviet economic and social development are being solved.

V. Ya. LAVERYCHEV. "Emancipation of Labour" Group and Bourgeois Liberalism.

A shift from Narodism to Marxism by the "Emancipation of Labour" group caused a painful process of re-evaluation by the group of its own anti-autocracy struggle and of West European Social Democracy. Divorced from Russia's internal life they were inclined to overestimate the Russian bourgeoisie's revolutionary potential. However, their practical steps towards cooperation with the liberal press failed. The polemics that ensued contributed to the exposure of the liberals' true political image and was very useful as it prevented the infiltration of liberal ideas into the revolutionary-democratic milieu.

В. Е. ZARITSKY . The USA and Left Forces in Western Europe.

The article discusses main trends, purposes, means and methods of the US anti- Communist policy in West European countries in the period from 1943 to 1949, aimed at containment of democratic upsurge and isolation of Communist and Left parties, at the formation of obidient governments that would see to economic and military-political interests of the United States on the European continent. The author draws particular attention to the role of the CIA and American trade unions in splitting West European Left forces, and supporting anti-Communist parties and groups.

A. A. SHEVYAKOV. The Soviet Union and Rumanian Sovereignty (1944 - 1955).

The author pays particular attention to the defence by the Soviet Union of the national sovereignty of the people's-democratic Rumania. He discusses the importance of the armistice aggreement of September 12, 1944, for Rumania, which laid the foundations for the democratic development of the country. The struggle of Soviet diplomacy at sessions of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the leading states of the anti-Hitler coalition and at the Paris Peace Conference for ensuring a democratic character of the peace treaty with Rumania, and in defence of its state sovereignty is graphically shown. The author analyses the intricate process of struggle waged by the Soviet Government for granting UN membership to the Rumanian People's Republic.

стр. 190


"Problems of History", No. 6, 1983

Articles: S. S. Khromov. Historical Experience of the USSR's Formation and Development, and Problems of Its Study; A. V. Smirnov. Soviet Industry in the Second Half of the 1960s; V. Ya. Laverychev. "Emancipation of Labour" Group and Bourgeois Liberalism; В. Е. Zaritsky. The USA and Left Forces in Western Europe (1943 - 1949); A. A. Shevyakov. The Soviet Union and Rumanian Sovereignty (1944 - 1955). Historical Essays: A. E. Ivanov. The Centenary of the Birth of F. Platten; L. S. Naumova. Tsarism and Periodic Press on the Eve of the First World War; S. A. Azimdzhanova. "Babur-Name" and Its Author. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Survey of Books About Heroes of Socialist Labour. Book Reviews: The USSR in the Years of the Great Patriotic War (June 1941-September 1945). Heroes of the Front and the Rear. Index of Soviet Literature for 1941 - 1967; P. A. Golub. The Revolution Defences Itself. An Experience of Defending the Gains of the Great October Revolution. 1917 - 1920; The Working Class of Russia. 1907-February 1917; The Working Class in the First Russian Revolution of 1905 - 1907; Russia and the Eastern Crisis of the 1870s; The USSR and Turkey. 1917 - 1979; A. I. Pushkash. Hungarian Foreign Policy. November 1918-April 1927; M. M. Sumarkova. Yugoslavian Democratic Forces in the Struggle Against Reaction and the Threat of War. 1929 - 1939; N. V. Sivachev. The USA: the State and the Working Class (from the Formation of the United States of America to the End of the Second World War); A. I. Pershits, A. L. Mongait, V. P. Alexeyev. A History of Primitive Society; K. Kinner. German Marxist Historical Science. 1917 - 1933. History and Politics in the Struggle of the CPG (Berlin); Francis D. R., Dollars and Diplomacy. Ambassador David Rowland Francis and the Fall of Tsarism, 1916 - 1917 (Durham, USA). Scientific Notes. Notes on the Articles Published in Foreign Journals. Facts, Events, People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.



de la revue "Questions d'histoire" n 6, 1983

Articles: S. S. Khromov. L'experience historique de la formation et du developpement de l'U.R.S.S. et les problemes de son etude; A. V. Smirnov. La production industrielle de l'U.R.S.S. dans la seconde moitie des annees 60; V. Ya. Laverytchev. Le groupe "Liberation du travail" et le liberalisme bourgeois; В. Е. Zaritski. Les Etats-Unis et les forces de gauche en Europe occidentale (1943 - 1949) j A. A. Cheviakov. L'Union Sovietique et la souverainete de la Roumanie (1944 - 1955). Apercus historiques: A. E. Ivanov. A l'occasion du 100e anniversaire de la naissance de Fritz Platten; L. S. Naoumova. Le tsarisme et la presse periodique avant la Premiere Guerre mondiale ; S. A. Azimdjanova. "Babour-name" et son auteur. La science historique en URSS. et а letr a nger. L'apercu des livres sur les Heros du Travail socialiste. Comptes rendus des livres : L'U.R.S.S. au cours des annees de la Grande Guerre nationale (juin 1941-septembre 1945). Les heros du front et de l'arriere. Le repertoire des publications sovietiques entre 1941 et 1967 ; P. A. Goloub. La Revolution se defend. L'experience de la defense des conquetes revolutionnaires du Grand Octobre. 1917 - 1920 ; La classe ouvriere de Russie. 1907 - fevrier 1917 ; La classe ouvriere dans la premiere revolution russe 1905 - 1907; La Russie et la crise de l'Orient des annees 70 du XIXe siecle ; L'U.R.S.S. et la Turquie. 1917 - 1979 ; A. I. Pouchkach. La politique exterieure de la Hongrie. Novembre 1918-avril 1927; M. M. Soumarokova. Les forces democratiques de Yougoslavie en lutte contre la reaction et le danger de guerre 1929 - 1932; N. V. Sivatchev. Les Etats-Unis : l'Etat et la classe ouvriere ( a partir de la formation des Etats-Unis d'Amerique jusqu'a la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ) ; A. I. Perchitz, A. L. Mongait, V. P. Alexeev. L'histoire de la societe primitive; K. Kinner. La science historique marxiste alle-mande en 1917 - 1933. L'histoire et la politique dans la lutte du P.C.A. (Berlin); Francis D. R. Les dollars et la diplomatie. L'ambassadeur Dawid Rowland Francis et la chute du tsarisme, 1916 - 1917 (Durham, Etats-Unis). Notes scientifiques. Notes sur les articles publies dans les revues etrangeres. Faits, Evenements, Hommes. Articles dans les revues historiques sovietiques et etrangeres. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et a l'etranger.

стр. 191


de la revista "Cuestiones de historia" N 6, 1983

Articulos: S. S. Jromov. Experiencia historica de la formation у del desarrollo de la URSS у problemas de su estudio; A. V. Smirnov. Production industrial de la URSS en la segunda mitad de los anos 60; V. Ya. Laverichev. El grupo "Liberation del trabajo" у el liberalismo burgues; B. E. Zaritski. EE.UU. у las fuerzas de izquierda en Europa Occidental (1943 - 1949); A. A. Sheviakov. La Union Sovietica у la soberania de Rumania (1944 - 1945). Ensayos hi st or icos: A. E. Ivanov. Con motivo del centenario de natalicio de Fritz. Piatten; L. S. Natimova. El zarismo у la prensa periodica antes de la primera guerra mundial; S. A. Azimdzhanova. "Babur-name" у su autor. Сienсia historica en la URSS у en el exterior. Resumen de libros sobre los Heroes del Trabajo Socialista. Resena de libros: La URSS en los anos de la Gran Guerra Patria (junio de 1941 - setiembre de 1945). Heroes del frente у de la retaguardia. Indice de las publicaciones sovieticas de 1941 - 1967; P. A. Golub. La revolution defendiendose. La experiencia de defensa de las conquistas revolucionarias del Gran Octubre. 1917 - 1920; La clase obrera de Rusia. 1907 - febrero de 1917; La clase obrera en la primera revolution de Rusia de 1905 - 1907; Rusia у la Crisis Oriental de los anos 70 del siglo XIX; La URSS у Turquia. 1917 - 1979; A. I. Pushkash. La politica exterior de Hungria. Noviem-bre de 1918 - abril de 1927; M. M. Sumarokova. Las fuerzas democraticas de Yugoslavia en la lucha contra la reaction у la amenaza de guerra. 1929 - 1939; N. V. Sivachov. EE.UU.: el Estado у la clase obrera (desde la formation de los Estados Unidos de America hasta el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial); A. I. Pershits, A. L. Mongait. V. P. Alexeev. Historia de la sociedad primitiva; K. Kinner. Ciencia historica marxista alemana en 1917 - 1933. Historia у politica en la lucha del PCA (Berlin); Francis D. R. Dollars and Diplomacy. Ambassador Dawid Rowland Francis and the Fall of Tsarism, 1916 - 1917 (Durham, USA). Apuntes cientificos. Apuntes sobre articulos publicados en las revistas extranjeras. Hechos. Acontecimientos. Persona s. Articulos en las revistas historicas sovieticas у extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS у en el exterior.


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