Semantics of things by V. Khlebnikov and M. Tsvetaeva
At one time, V. V. Vinogradov noted that "in the structure of a literary and artistic work, sharp expressive-figurative functions can even fall to the share of semantically neutral, completely ugly, pronominal words (for example, the word "person") " (Vinogradov V. V. Stylistics. Theory of poetic speech. Poetika, Moscow, 1963, p. 125). Such, at first glance, an ugly word in the idiostyles of V. Khlebnikov and M. Tsvetaeva is the word thing. Judging by the number of uses in the texts of both poets, the word thing cannot be called frequent: for example, in the collection of Velimir Khlebnikov " Creations "(compiled by V. P. Grigoriev and A. E. Parnis, Moscow, 1986), it occurs in 20 cases, which is approximately 0.03% of the total volume of word usage, and in the first three volumes of the seven-volume collected works of Marina Tsvetaeva (compiled by A. Sahakyants and L. Mnukhin, Moscow, 1994), where poems and poems are collected, the word thing is used 51 times (approximately 0.04%). Nevertheless, Khlebnikov and Tsvetaeva's word receives a special thematic load, designated in the literary tradition as "the life of things": "Showing this" hidden "life of things in its most specific form, which returns to the "human" (the view of things on people, the judgment performed by things on people), to a certain extent It is similar to similar experiments of penetration into the inner hidden life of animals-from the Holstomer to the Chestnut tree" (Toporov V. N. The thing in the anthropocentric perspective // Aequinox. MSMHSSH. M., 1993. P. 97). In Khlebnikov's poem " The Crane "(1909), the" things " that come to life - parts of the urban landscape - form a living iron bird that devours people. In Tsvetaeva's Poem Stairs (1926), the" revolt "of things is determined by their desire to return to their natural state (as glass tends to become sand, a mattress - seaweed, etc.) and is accompanied by the idea of" revenge "on man for turning the planet"into a worthless scrap metal". In ... Read more

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Semantics of things by V. Khlebnikov and M. Tsvetaeva

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