P. KUPRIYANOV, Candidate of Economic Sciences In March 2007, the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences held a meeting of the Academic Council dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Ghana's independence, which was attended by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Ghana to the Russian Federation Edward Alau Mantey, representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry, ambassadors of several African countries, as well as veterans of the Russian diplomatic service. Opening the meeting, the Institute's Deputy Director, Professor V. Shubin, said that Ghana was the first country in Tropical Africa to achieve independence and accelerate the decolonization of the entire African continent. He congratulated the Ambassador and, through him, the entire Ghanaian people on their "Golden Jubilee" and wished him new success on the path of socio-economic development. Candidate of Economic Sciences P. Kupriyanov (Institute of Africa) made a report "Ghana: 50 years on the path of independence". He noted that on March 6, 1957, a new State appeared on the political map of the world - Ghana. So the former English colony of the Gold Coast became known. The day of March 6 was not chosen by chance. On March 6, 1844, an agreement was signed with the leaders of the coastal tribes to recognize the power of the English king. The new state was named Ghana in honor of one of the ancient and developed states of West Africa. Ghana's huge role in the national liberation movement in Africa is not limited to the fact that it was the first colony in sub-Saharan Africa to gain political independence. Even during the struggle for independence, Kwame Nkrumah repeatedly said that the independence of Ghana will not be ensured if the whole of Africa does not become free from the domination of colonialists. "We have finished the battle, but let's now start the struggle for the liberation of other African countries, because our independence does not make sense if we do not co ... Read more

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