The theory of light developed simultaneously, as the movement of corpuscles and waves.
Isaac Newton believed that light is a stream of particles. Christian Huygens believed that light is waves on the air. James Maxwell introduced the concept of electromagnetic waves. Heinrich Hertz received an electromagnetic wave in an experiment. Max Planck proved that light propagates and is absorbed in portions - quanta, which he called photons.
Such is the brief background of the fact that the photon was called the quantum of the electromagnetic wave.
And it suited everyone until a half-educated philosopher arrived, who said: gentlemen, let the photon have neither electric nor magnetic charge, and therefore it cannot form the configuration of the electromagnetic wave, where the electric and magnetic components are perpendicular to each other and wave propagation vector. Moreover, this philosopher said that he made a discovery by inventing such a design of an electron and a positron that generates exactly the perpendiculars that are observed in electromagnetic waves.
And therefore, it is they — electrons and positrons — that are the quanta of the electromagnetic wave. And this fact is clearly proved by artificial electromagnetic waves, where in the receiving antennas the electromagnetic wave generates an electron-positron EMF.
EMF photons cannot form.
Thus, electromagnetic waves are waves of electrons and positrons, which emit photons through various types of radiation.
The fluxes of photons - this is light.
Thus, both directions of the study of light turned out to be correct.
And the final point in this study was put by a half-educated philosopher.
Praise God for putting these thoughts into his head.
Фундаментальная ошибка фундаментальной физики
Теория света развивалась одновременно, как движение корпускул и волны.
Исаак Ньютон полагал, что свет – это поток частиц. Христиан Гюйгенс считал, что свет - это волны в эфире. Джеймс Максвелл ввёл понятие электромагнитной волны. ...
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